Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Dehydrating Marshmallows

Did you know that you could dehydrate marshmallows?  I didn't until last week.  I got the information from CFD Publications which is simplyprepared.com.
You can also find them HERE on Facebook.

Here is my dehydrating marshmallow process.

Two bags of small marshmallows single layer filled four trays.  The temperature is set to 125°.

The instructions on CFD Publications says that it takes 24 to 36 hours to dry them.  Mine were dry in 18 hours.  The dry climate I live in probably made a difference.  I tried one after about 10 hours.  The outside was hard, but when I bit into it the center was sticky. A very weird texture and hard to chew.
After 18 hours I tried another one and it tasted like the marshmallows in cereal. I guess I know how those are made now.
Notice that they look the same finished as when they were put on the dehydrator trays.  They don't shrink, but they get hard.
You will know they are dry if you drop one on the floor and accidently step on it, when you back up to find the one you dropped, and it breaks apart and part turns to powder.

I put various amounts into bags and Hubby vacuum sealed them.  I plan to use them mostly in hot chocolate.  CFD Publications added them to chocolate chips and nuts to snack on.  I may do that too.

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