Sunday, July 3, 2016

May 2016 Emergency Preparedness - Basic Recipies using Rice

About Rice
1 cup uncooked rice = 3 cups cooked

There are many ways to cook rice.  To retain vitamins, do not rinse enriched rice before or drain after cooking.  Rice can be cooked in water, juice, milk or bouillon.  It can be steamed or boiled; cooked, then fried or added to puddings.  A bit of oil will help keep the grains from sticking together; a little salt adds flavor. As soon as the cooked grains are tender all the way through but still firm, the rice is done. The easiest way to test for tenderness is to taste it.  The grains should have no hardness in the center. Add other grains or legumes for increased nutrition and variety to meals.
How rice cooks changes from variety to variety and batch to batch.  Brown rice cooks longer than white; old rice absorbs more water than new.  All cook by the same principles:  Add rice to boiling water; stir, cover, reduce heat; cook.  Water will be absorbed into rice or evaporate during cooking.  Let rice sit off the heat, undisturbed with lid on, at least 5 minutes or as long as 30.  This results in a uniform texture, with the bottom layer as fluffy as the top.  Cooked rice stores tightly covered in refrigerator up to one week or in freezer 6 months.

Basic Cooked Rice

1 cup rice                                                         1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/4 cups water                                              1 – 2 tablespoons oil (optional)

Combine all ingredients.  Cover pan with lid and bring to a boil over high heat.  When beginning to boil, turn heat down to very low and cook about 35 minutes, until the water is almost gone.  Remove lid only when necessary.  Remove pan from heat and leave covered.  Let rice sit/steam for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.  Fluff with fork before serving.
NOTE: Rice may be soaked 30 minutes in water before cooking to shorten cooking time.  After soaking add oil, cover and cook 15 to 20 minutes.  Steam.  Eat hot or cold as cereal, add to chili, soups or eat cold in salad.  Combine cooked wheat with cooked rice for a pilaf.

Rice Cereal

Make Basic Cooked Rice.  Use cracked rice for smother texture.  Serve warm or cold with reconstituted dry milk and sugar.
NOTE: Rice cereal is usually a baby’s first solid food.  Grind rice to appropriate coarseness before cooking for babies or puree/mash it after it is cooked.  Extra water may be needed.  Sweeten and add milk.

Creamy Rice Breakfast

1 cup cracked, uncooked rice                         1 tablespoon oil
3 1/2 cups water                                              6 tablespoons dry milk
1/2 teaspoon salt                                             3 tablespoons sugar

Bring 3 cups salted water to a boil.  Stir in cracked rice.  Add oil, cover and cook on low heat 20 to 30 minutes.  Stir occasionally.
Combine dry milk and sugar.  Mix with 1/2 cup water.  Stir into rice.  Continue cooking until rice is done.  Remove from heat, stir, cover and let steam several minutes.

Rice Cake Treat

1/2 cup cooked rice                                         1/2 teaspoon dry milk
1 teaspoon oil                                                  1/8 teaspoon salt, scant
1/2 cup flour                                                    6 tablespoons water
4 teaspoons sugar

Measure rice into a bowl.  Stir in oil.  Add flour, sugar, dry milk and salt.  Stir in water.  Drop by teaspoonful into medium-hot oil or shortening.  Batter should make small thin crunchy pancakes (about 1/4 inch deep). Fry until golden on each side.  Serve hot.

Easy Rice Pudding

2 cups water                                                    1cup water
1/4 teaspoon salt                                             1/4 cup sugar
1/4 cup uncooked rice                                     3/4 cup dry milk

Bring 2 cups water to a boil.  Stir in rice and salt.  Return to boil and lower heat.  Cook covered, 20 minutes.  Combine dry milk and sugar (if a thicker pudding is desired add 1 tablespoon white flour). Stir 1 cup water into milk mixture until smooth.  Mix milk mixture with rice.  Return rice to simmer and cook 10 minutes more until rice is done.  Remove from heat.  Let sit 30 minutes before serving or chill.

Toasted Rice

Toast rice for a pleasing change in color and flavor.  Distribute uncooked rice evenly on a baking sheet.  Place in a pre-heated 400° oven for 6 to 10 minutes or until golden brown, stirring occasionally.  It can also be toasted in a skillet, with or without oil, on the stove top.


1 cup white rice                                               6 cups water
2 cups water to cover rice                               sugar, to taste

Do not rinse enriched rice.  Cover rice with 2 cups water and soak 2 to 3 hours.  Does not have to be cooked, but can be simmered for 5 to 10 minutes then cooled instead of soaking.  Whirl rice in blender, Combine with 6 cups water.  Allow rice to settle or strain off liquid.  Add sugar and a few drops of cinnamon oil or vanilla flavoring to strained liquid.  Milk may be used for part of liquid.  Serve chilled or over crushed ice.
NOTE:  This will not taste good without flavoring.  Offer horchata, warm or cooled, to babies when they are sick and can’t keep anything in their tummies.  Save strained rice for another use.  Cooked rice increases digestibility and available nutrition.

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